Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Build Bridges, not walls

I find it interesting the amount of people I encounter daily with the same number one flaw as I myself is guilty of continually battling. Vulnerability seems like such a far fetched idea and extremely scary concept that we miss out on the joys in life both big and small. 
After posting a fb status update this morning "Positive fact for the day...learn to build bridges, not walls" and a blog from convergemagazine "single and not waiting" I have been overwhelmed with social likes, multiple private emails, and a couple of text messages from individual who are fighting the same battle, vulnerability and forgiveness. 
I have found in my 27 years on this earth the Lord has never left, but has always been my best friend standing beside high on the mountain tops and down in the deep valleys. The vulnerability and faith in God is much different than with the tangible individuals present in our journey of life. It wasn't until recently that I realized I had been building walls instead of bridges in my relationships, and I am still guilty of doing so as I sit here and write this blog. The one thing that I can say is different though is the that we all have to recognize that you have to build those bridges and tear down the walls or you lose really good people in your world or just flat out miss out on them. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I it is easy, because I feel like my hammer is broken, but I keep telling myself the Lord didn't call us to live out of a spirit of fear, but of joy and sound mind. So you and I both have to let people in and give them a chance. The only action and emotion you can control is you own because the reality of it is that more than likely the other individual is fighting the same fight. At what point will you both be willing to stand together and take on the enemy together? 
It's scary to let them in, even more terrifying to let them back in and give people the chance to hurt you again, but I feel like the thought of not giving the individuals a chance would be even more devastating. So when you come to the point in your life where you can say ok I want off this viscous cycle and I know I am guilty of hurting others because ultimately actions and reactions stem from emotions of hurt that is when you know your hammer is working and the bridges are being built instead of walls. 
I would encourage all to be vulnerable and communicate in detail all that you feel because God doesn't call us to a live a life of comfort. He has called us to live a life of discomfort, because when we are in discomfort that means God is in the middle of it. He is the best friend that always wants you and desires to be right next to you tearing down the walls and building the bridges. 

Thank you to all of the individuals who were bold enough to be vulnerable with me today. Without your courage to address the fears in your world, I wouldn't have been inspired to write this blog today. 

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