Monday, October 14, 2013

A blink of a second, a phone call, a text message

It takes only a second, a blink of an eye, a phone call, a flash of light, a word, a text message, an action, a stroke, a heart attack, a crash,or merely just nothing for your life to drastically change without ever taking into consideration how you feel about the situation or the impact it will have on you. The hard faced truth of reality is that people will walk into your life for a reason that we may not even know, and in a split second, a phone call, a text message, a crash...will walk out of your life. 

 As I have recently been faced with multiple trails in this life in short time frame my eyes have been open to the disconnect between individuals, true support, vulnerability, and emotions one faces. As I stood in the midst of people young and old last night the pain of emotional terror was evident on the faces, but the tears were kept to a minimum. One female said, "sorry I left the vigil early, I didn't want anyone to see me crying." Another young man said, "She was my best friend and I feel terrible because I just can't let myself cry." I am as guilty as all those who have fallen to the emotional disconnect, pride, or "strength" of withholding we have been trained to appear in a moment or turmoil, grief, and sorrow.  

The truths of society and reality have collided with no biblical backing in this century and we are faced with situations that lack the true knowledge of how to be open, honest, and vulnerable with people, but instead to be callous, empty, hollow, and smashing the emotions as deep as we possibly can to the roots of our souls. Society has trained one to be filled with pride, "Don't cry," "you're week if you cry," "Only the weak show emotion," and I could continue on for days, but the shortest verse in the Bible with such profound truth is 
John 11:35 "JESUS WEPT." Our society has trained us not to be vulnerable and when we are our emotions and feelings are quickly alienated and discredited.
It is ok to cry, it is ok to feel pain, it is ok to be angry, it is ok to feel emotion, and it is more than ok to be honest and to show it and share that with someone. The truth is that in order to be 100% real with people you have to be willing to let them be present and share the entire journey with them, walking through the good and the bad together with encouragement not discouragement guiding you both along the way.
Life is to short to live with regret, and in a blink of a moment someone special could become a mere memory(whether still living or deceased) and your life will be changed forever. Live with no regrets, love with all that you have, and make sure to let your heart break from the inside out so that others can experience the truths of vulnerability and you can be set free of being captive to the societal battle of emotions. The word of God is written on our hearts, until they are broken and the words fall in. Let your heart break publicly  not pridefully behind closed doors, in a bathroom, in a closet, but with others who can love and support you in the midst of the crisis. And always know you are not alone, because JESUS WEPT too.
BE THE CHANGE TO THE CHAIN REACTION! and always humble yourself to show your love for others, never let anyone leave your life without them at least knowing that you love them for the perfections and imperfections, it only takes a blink of a second, a phone call, a text message and then they are gone.

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