Sunday, April 27, 2014

Regret Nothing, Hope for Everything

Regret nothing, but hope for everything
As those words continue to flow through my mind consistently, I am left with the acknowledgment of hope only. At some point you have to recognize that we are all human, broken, torn, bruised, scarred, and flawed. We are all given the opportunity to change those bruises and scars into moments of beauty with the slightest hope of holding onto a heart that is so big. So when the road seems twisted, turned, narrow, or even at a dead end, remember that there is always another route. Always remember that you are stronger than you will ever give yourself credit for, because you my friend are your biggest critic. It is only human nature to question yourself in some areas of life, but hold onto your morals, values, beliefs, and hope. If you lose sight of any one of those grab hold to an angel and let them lead you into the light. You are wanted, you are loved because you have so much more than you can see and such a big heart that even God knows the in between opportunities only lead to greatness.  I never had a chance to say this when you were with me friend, I thought I would have one more. Thank you for always leading me down a path of greatness, confidently knowing to REGRET NOTHING, BUT HOPE FOR EVERYTHING. 

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