Friday, March 11, 2016


The suitcase wheels are screaming to reach their destinations as the silky voice resonates through the terminals and you keep walking by. It's funny how life feels like it's flying by so fast and yet here I am just sitting still. In a strum of a guitar or a delayed flight, life can turn on a quick dime. So embrace the moment and let time stand still. Do something worth telling a story about because in a flash of light your life could become a memory. So dance in the rain or sing on stage in ATX airport with Payton Nicole, whatever it is you choose to do don't live a life that is a story untold.
Last night we came from all directions and states to unify as the core "bro night" group and stand by your bed side to take on life's fight with you. You were resting and looked so peaceful. I watched as my brothers hearts shattered into a puddle of tears and clinched jaws refused to show emotions as I stood in between both of them, hand in hand looking down at you I knew in that moment time was standing still. The hands on the clock reassured me and I knew in that moment you were going to fight like hell to pull through.
My eyes are heavy, the floor is cold but in a few moments I will be on the shore watching the sunset over a still calm seas. I will add to my 48 hours sleepless life story with a smile and the music of the waves telling me to hold on for just one more show. Don't save your applause for the grand finale, but bask in the still small moments worth giving a standing ovation for they might be the last performance you will see.