Sunday, March 16, 2014

To always be loved, and never forgotten

Today would be my oldest brothers 25th Birthday. It is a day of celebration, and worldly sadness that we can not be celebrating this milestone with him. Death is an inevitable vicious monster that steals our beloved and leaves us lost and alone in this great big world with expectations to still uphold with a smile. The minute, days, months, and sooner than later years go by, everyone returns to their "normal" routine and life for them continues on as if nothing has changed. The outsider forgets that whatever was/is considered the norm for you will never again be "normal." A piece of you was buried on that day and will forever remain like a heart as an empty room. So hold onto to the ones you love, fight for them even at a distance, and never forget the moments together through good and the bad because there may come a day when the moments don't pass you by but merely stop. The only thing in this life that is certain is that time doesn't stop and change is inevitable with or without you dancing happily on the merry-go-round or crying the saddest tears of your life. With that being said don't miss the opportunity to tell someone you have always and will always love them and have never forgotten them.