Monday, January 27, 2014

To love sacrificial or superficial?

The pain, the tears, and the hurt stream down ones face as the reality of abandonment sets in. It's hard to fathom a world where you merely become just another face in the crowd to an audience that you once knew and were a reflection in their eyes. A world where people did not stand by your side for years and then vanish or leave you within seconds.
Though there is no comparison to Christ's death, there is empathy. As he hung "lifeless" on the cross the crowd that once followed him and adored him began to dissipate one after another until there were none left. Not once did he stop loving them even in his earthly abandonment. His mercy and grace is astonishing and yet beyond imagination. The awestricken realization that God sacrificed his son for the forgiveness of our sins will forever be engrained in ones mind. I am a perfectly flawed, imperfectly flawless individual who honestly deserves nothing and yet he is jealous for me and still wants me, unlike the individuals who said they would always love me and care about me, but didn't want me anymore and walked away. The same grace is extended to you as well.
In the sixth chapter of Luke we are called to love our enemies and hold no judgment. As 3:20am reclaims my consciousness daily. I am reminded to be graceful, not graceless and merciful, not merciless. Why? Because he loves me through all  the trials and triumphs, the afflictions, and pain. So I am quickly reminded I have no right to hold onto hurt, to judge, and I don't have time to maintain regrets because he was willing to give his life for all my unrighteous actions.
The Lord exemplifies a sacrificial love for you and I, unlike the superficial love experienced in our daily encounters and relationships. There is a difference in sacrificial love and superficial love. I am well aware many of us struggle with the concept of truly understanding or relating to a sacrificial love. It is a love that is shown through actions, not words. It is an experience that can never be compared or repaid. It is the individual who walks along side you through the transformation process, not behind you, not in front of you, and not completely away from you. Sacrificial love is not an idea of warm happy emotions, but a true intimate relationship that is loyal and encouraging even when the odds are against it.
I am hesitant to say that a plethora of people have experienced this in their lifetime with the amount of brokenness encountered in society today. We are a self indulged society that focuses on ourselves more than on the gift of truly serving others, yet Christ made the ultimate sacrifice and died for us. So as the reality of abandonment sets in, a peace overtakes ones soul to becoming perfectly content with being just another face to the average audience, but a beautiful bride to the one who loved.